Snapshot overview

Boosta Ltd is a private limited company registered on May 30, 2014, in Cyprus. Boosta Ltd promotes products to western marketplaces.

Company story

Boosta Limited is a privately-held, limited liability company founded in Nicosia, Cyprus, in May 2014. The company number for Boosta Ltd is HE332889, according to documents available from the Cyprus government website.

Initial filing status

According to documents filed to the Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver in the Republic of Cyprus, Boosta Ltd received its certificate of incorporation on May 30, 2014. 

The filing of officials established the first director and secretary of the company and took place on May 28, 2014. Georgios Georgiou was appointed the only director and shareholder, while Melani Pogiatzi was appointed the first secretary of Boosta Ltd.

Company ownership

Georgios Georgiou is the first director and sole shareholder of Boosta Ltd

Georgios Georgiou, also known as ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ, is a citizen of Cyprus. According to equity documents from the Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver in the Republic of Cyprus, Georgios Georgiou, also known as ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ, is listed as the only shareholder of all 2,000 nominal capital shares of Boosta Ltd. Georgiou served as the first director of Boosta ltd from May 30, 2014 to November 9, 2018.

Yurii Lukianov replaced Georgios Georgiou as director in 2018

The Cyprus Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver lists Ukraine as the country of citizenship of Yurii Lukianov. Yurii Lukianov was appointed to the role of director on November 9, 2018, replacing Georgios Georgiou.

Yurii Lukianov is also the secretary of Boosta Ltd. In addition to serving as the director, Yurii Lukianov also serves as the secretary of Boosta Ltd. Lukianov was appointed to the role on November 9, 2018. Before Lukianov, Boosta Ltd had two secretaries:

  • Melani Pogiatzi served as secretary from May 30, 2014 to May 14, 2015.
  • Christoforos Georgiou served as secretary from May 14, 2015 to November 9, 2018.

As of December 2019, Yurii Lukianov remains the director and secretary of Boosta Ltd.

Websites owned and services offered by Boosta is the official website of Boosta Ltd. develops, designs, and promotes products in the writing service industry to western markets. According to the about section of, the company started in May 2014 because the founders were “concerned not only about our products development but also engaged in distribution and promotion our services to the Western markets.”

Products and services provided by Boosta. Boosta deals with not only developing but also the marketing of IT products in the essay writing service industry.

The about section of the official Boosta Facebook page suggests the company works in two product niches: “marketing tools and educational hubs.” In September 2016, CEO Dmitriy Bondar published a blog titled, “How to Promote White Website in Essay Niche” on is one of Boosta Ltd's most popular writing services is a custom writing service dedicated to providing academic writing and admissions help. According to the Terms and Conditions of, the contents of the site are provided by Boosta Ltd and registered under the law of Cyprus. 

Ahrefs, an SEO tool used to analyze websites, features a list of the top 1 million websites in its database, which is updated in real-time. In December 2019, was in the top twentieth percentile of the one million highest ranking sites in the Ahrefs database. Additionally, a December 2019 snapshot from Ahrefs shows had an Ahrefs Rank (AR) of 188,877 in the database of over 100 million websites.

According to the official LinkedIn account of Boosta Limited, the company employs between 51-200 employees. There are 200 LinkedIn profiles associated with employees of Boosta.

The law in Cyprus requires companies to disclose appointed directors and shareholders.

According to the Cyprus Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver, Yurii Lukianov was appointed to the roles of director and secretary on November 9, 2018, replacing the initial director and shareholder, Georgios Georgiou.

According to his personal LinkedIn account, Dmitriy Bondar is the CEO of As of December 2019, Bondar has not updated his work experience on LinkedIn since January 2014. Bondar only mentions he's the CEO of in his title on LinkedIn but does not provide a start date. Bondar posted the first blog as CEO on on August 13, 2016.


Despite Boosta’s online presence on, Facebook, and LinkedIn, the company doesn't have many public records or insight into its operations. According to the official LinkedIn account of Boosta Ltd, the company employs approximately 200 employees.


Type: Privately Held
Size: 201-500 employees
Funding: Unknown
Founded: May, 2014


Boosta Ltd
10 Kyriakou Matsi, #203
Nicosia 1082

Social profiles