Snapshot overview
Edu Storm Ltd is a private limited company in the United Kingdom that offers writing services. It was incorporated on June 7, 2019.
Company story
Edu Storm LTD, also known as Edu Storm Limited, is a privately-held, limited liability company from the United Kingdom, founded in June 2019. The company number assigned to Edu Storm LTD by Companies House is 12038317; the company registration number is a unique combination of numbers used by Companies House, the United Kingdom's registrar of companies, to identify companies, such as Edu Storm LTD, and verify they are registered entities in the UK.
The standard industrial classification of economic activities (SIC) is a code used by Companies House to describe a company's nature of business. The nature of business (SIC) for Edu Storm LTD is classified as “85520 - cultural education” and “85590 - other education not elsewhere classified,” according to Companies House.
Current filing status and registered agent
The initial incorporation of the company took place on June 7, 2019, when Edu Storm LTD filed the Certificate of Incorporation of a Private Limited Company. Stanislav Solano Vinnik was named the first Director and Secretary of Edu Storm LTD and shareholder of 10 shares with a nominal value of 0.1 GBP.
The day Edu Storm LTD incorporated under the Companies Act 2006 as a private company limited by shares, the situation of its registered office was established in England and Wales. Edu Storm LTD's registered office address is located in London, England.
Company ownership
Stanislav Solano Vinnik is the first director and secretary of Edu Storm LTD
According to the Certificate of Incorporation of a Private Limited Company, Stanislav Solano Vinnik was named the first director and secretary of Edu Storm LTD and shareholder of 10 shares with a nominal value of 0.1 GBP. Vinnik is a Costa Rican man born in August 1990.
Stanislav Solano Vinnik is the only person of significant control
As the only person of significant control (PSC) over Edu Storm LTD, as of December 2019, he holds 75% or more of the shares in the company, 75% or more of the voting rights in the company, and the right to appoint or remove a majority of the company’s board of directors. According to the Change of Individual Person with Significant Control (PSC) Details document filed on June 26, 2019, Stanislav usually resides in Costa Rica.
Websites owned and services offered
Edu Storm LTD doesn’t have an official company website. The company owns and operates at least two writing service websites, including and The websites operated by Edu Storm LTD provide academic writing services, editing and proofreading, presentations and PowerPoint slides, and other custom writing. is one of the most popular websites operated by Edu Storm LTD is a popular academic writing service for students from high school to the doctorate level. The site offers writing services such as essays, creative writing, dissertation drafts, editing, and other coursework.
Ahrefs, an SEO tool used to analyze websites, features a list of the top 1 million websites in its database, which is updated in real-time. In December 2019, ranked in the top tenth percentile of the top one million sites in the Ahrefs database. According to a December 2019 snapshot from Ahrefs, had an Ahrefs Rank (AR) of 18,516 in the database of over 100 million websites.
The Certificate of Incorporation of a Private Limited Company filed in July 2019 to Companies House shows Stanislav Solano Vinnik as the sole director and secretary of Edu Storm LTD.
There is no public insight into the operations of Edu Storm LTD besides a few public documents about the company’s director. Even though the company's secretary/director is listed on corporate documents, his roles and responsibilities in the daily operations of Edu Storm LTD are unknown. As the only director, Stanislav Solano Vinnik has enough shares and voting rights in Edu Storm LTD to appoint or remove the company’s board of directors.
3 Websites
The total number of writing service websites that Edu Storm Ltd owns and operates is 3.
Type: Privately HeldSize: 2-10 employees
Funding: Unknown
Founded: June, 2019
Edu Storm Ltd71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden
London WC2H 9JQ
United Kingdom