Snapshot overview

Dragonet LLC is listed as an owner of academic writing services websites. An address in Poland is indicated, but there does not appear to be an online, publicly accessible registry of companies in Poland so it is difficult to confirm the details of this company.

Company story

According to the terms and conditions of the website that claim Dragonet LLC as an owner, the company is based in Poznan, Poland. Poland does not appear to offer publicly available company information, so it is difficult to confirm any facts about the company. There also does not appear to be a website or social media presence associated with Dragonet LLC.

One of the websites owned by Dragonet,, lists its founders as Josh Carlyle and Chris Revengton. Because of the difficulty finding official documentation for Dragonet, it is not clear if these people still own the company or if they share ownership with any other people or entities.

Websites owned by Dragonet LLC

Websites owned by Dragonet LLC list the company and its address in their terms and conditions. These websites include and Because of the difficulty finding official documentation for the company, it is not clear if the company existed before these websites were created.

Various addresses associated with Dragonet LLC properties

All websites that list Dragonet LLC as their owner also list the Polish address as the headquarters. The individual sites also claim other, US-based addresses:

  • lists a Chicago, Illinois address on its Facebook and LinkedIn page. The address listed belongs to a shared office space called Second Shift and there is no company by the name of Dragonet LLC listed in Illinois according to its publicly available company registry.
  • lists a Los Angeles, California address on its Facebook page. This address doesn't appear to be associated with any publicly listed business and the publicly accessible California company registry does not list a company named Dragonet LLC.

Because this company does not appear to have a social media presence or publicly accessible corporate documents, it is difficult to be sure who is involved in the ownership or operation of Dragonet LLC., one of the websites that lists Dragonet LLC as its owner, indicates that its founders were Josh Carlyle and Chris Revengton. While Chris is not listed in the current team for, as of June 2020, it is not clear if he still has any ownership of the website or company.


Though there is a headquarters address listed for Dragonet LLC in the terms and conditions of the websites that it owns, there does not appear to be any publicly available records of a company by this name registered in Poland.

2 Websites

The total number of writing service websites that Dragonet LLC owns and operates is 2.


Type: Unknown
Size: Unknown employees
Funding: Unknown
Founded: January, 2016


Dragonet LLC
16/20 Szamotulska, No. 40, Office 1 A
Poznan 60-366

Social profiles