Snapshot overview

I'm Kind of a Big Deal, LLC is the parent entity for the Neil Patel family of companies. The company seemingly owns some of Neil Patel's most important and high-traffic web properties, including

Company story

I’m Kind of a Big Deal, LLC is a limited liability company founded on January 6, 2015, in Las Vegas, Nevada, by Neil Patel. According to the Nevada Secretary of State, filing for I’m Kind of a Big Deal, LLC, initially took place on December 30, 2014, as a foreign LLC. The original filing was canceled and replaced a week later by the current domestic LLC file. 

Current filing

According to the official site of the Nevada Secretary of State, as of November 2019, the current entity status of I’m Kind of a Big Deal, LLC is active with a perpetual termination date, meaning the company exists as its own entity, regardless of what happens to the individuals involved in the business. The business entity was registered by Neil Patel who serves as the only officer of I’m Kind of a Big Deal, LLC, as of November 2019.

Company ownership

The State of Nevada lists Neil Patel as a Non-Commercial Registered Agent, and the sole manager of I’m Kind of a Big Deal, LLC. 

Status as a non-commercial registered agent

According to the official site of the Nevada Secretary of State, Neil Patel has status as a non-commercial registered agent because "any Individual or Entity with a physical address in Nevada may be a Noncommercial Registered Agent provided they do not act as a registered agent for 10 or more entities on file with the Secretary of State."

Websites owned and services offered, the official website of I’m Kind of a Big Deal, LLC. serves as a site to advertise Patel’s different business ventures. I’m Kind of a Big Deal, LLC owns and is Neil Patel's personal website is Patel’s personal website dedicated to promoting his SEO consulting services. is home to his world-renowned blog, newsletter, and various tools, including SEO Analyzer, A/B Testing Calculator, Ubersuggest, and Backlinks checker. is the official website of I’m Kind of a Big Deal, LLC

As the official website of I’m Kind of a Big Deal, LLC, is dedicated to the many companies and projects associated with Neil Patel. The site lists and links to Crazy Egg, Ubersuggest, SEO Analyzer, Subscribers, and Hello Bar. Additionally, the “Work with Neil” button on the homepage links directly to, formerly, a digital marketing agency owned by Patel’s high school friend, Mike Kamo. 

The purpose of seems to be to lead potential customers to Patel’s companies. As of December 2019, lists:

  • 2.4 monthly blog readers,
  • 1.6 million followers on social media,
  • over 600,000 monthly podcast listens,
  • and over 730,000 monthly video views. promotes and links to Crazy Egg is an analytics software that allows website owners to see how visitors are engaging with a site through "heatmaps" of their clicks. Patel founded Crazy Egg in 2006, making it one of his first business ventures. As of December 2019, Crazy Egg and Neil Patel Digital are the only business ventures Neil Patel lists on in the "Experience" section of his personal LinkedIn profile. 

Digital marketing tools advertised by

  • Ubersuggest is a tool featured on to show visitors “how to win the game of SEO.” The SEO tool gives an overview of their domain, their top SEO pages, keyword suggestions, content ideas, and backlink data.

  • SEO Analyzer is another tool featured on to provide visitors with a brief website analysis report to help increase search traffic. The SEO Analyzer also includes an SEO checker, site speed audit, SEO audit report, and backlink checker.

  • Subscribers, also known as, is a marketing tool used to convert web visitors into repeat visitors. is owned and operated by Hello Bar LLC. The website quotes a testimony from digital marketing expert, Neil Patel; he says, “Subscribers is my favorite marketing tool. It is simple, easy to use, and effective.” promotes and links to

  • Hello Bar is a conversion optimization tool used to capture emails and leads, and drive people to landing pages. Hello Bar was acquired by Crazy Egg on August 5, 2012.

Work with major brands

According to the "Services" page on, Patel allegedly worked with "so many household names and big brands." The specific nature of services and results of the work with big brands is unknown. The site only lists logos of the clients and does not provide case studies or examples of the work Neil Patel did for them. The major brands and companies listed include:

  • Airbnb
  • American Greetings
  • eBay
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • General Motors
  • Intuit
  • Salesforce
  • Thomas Reuters
  • Viacom

Below the list of big brands on, a paragraph states, "these big guys don’t allow you to 'showcase' their stats publicly. The most they can provide is generic testimonials like these…" then showcases the following generic quotes from their alleged clients:

  • "Neil's one of the few consultants that's worth his fee." -Intuit
  • "Neil's great at growing traffic and sales." -NBC
  • "Neil's great at converting visitors into customers." -Viacom
  • "You can't say enough good things about Neil." -Yahoo!

Work with Neil Patel Digital is not one of the websites associated with I’m Kind of a Big Deal, LLC. is the official website of Neil Patel Digital LLC, a digital marketing agency founded by Patel's high school friend, Mike Kamo. Despite being the namesake of Neil Patel Digital, Neil Patel is not the official owner of the company. Still, he is listed as an additional manager in a Statement of Information submitted to the Secretary of State in California in March 2018.

Domain change from to was known as from June 2017 to June 2019. The new site seems to shift focus away from its namesake, Neil Patel, in more than one way. Not only does the domain shift focus from Neil Patel, but the website's redesign includes fewer quotes from Patel. has fewer pictures of Neil Patel on the homepage and only pictures him in the "Leadership" section of the about page.

Overlapping clients between Neil Patel and Neil Patel is a world-renowned marketing guru who made a career from work with brands both big and small. The list above from displays some of Patel's most prominent clients. A similar list can be found on the homepage of where the site highlights "our work" pointing to:

  • eBay
  • GM
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Intuit
  • NBC 

In November 2019, a representative of Writing Service Reviews reached out to companies claims to be associated with to confirm their status as clients. The table below displays the companies we reached for comment, the method we contacted the companies, the date we contacted them, and the details of the interaction.

CompanyMethod of contactDate contactedDetails
eBay Email November 27, 2019 As of December 6, 2019, representatives from eBay have neither confirmed nor denied association with Neil Patel Digital.
Facebook Email November 27, 2019 As of December 6, 2019, representatives from Facebook have neither confirmed nor denied association with Neil Patel Digital.
GM Email November 27, 2019 As of December 6, 2019, representatives from GM have neither confirmed nor denied association with Neil Patel Digital.
Google Email November 27, 2019 As of December 6, 2019, representatives from Google have neither confirmed nor denied association with Neil Patel Digital.
Intuit Email November 27, 2019 As of December 6, 2019, representatives from Intuit have neither confirmed nor denied association with Neil Patel Digital.
NBC Email November 27, 2019 As of December 6, 2019, representatives from NBC have neither confirmed nor denied association with Neil Patel Digital.

Neil Patel seems to be the sole owner of the entity, according to filings records from the Nevada Secretary of State. 


I'm Kind of a Big Deal, LLC is Neil Patel's personal company to operate his personal projects. The company operates several websites including Neil's flagship website— 

2 Websites

The total number of writing service websites that I'm Kind of a Big Deal, LLC owns and operates is 2.


Type: Privately Held
Size: 1 employees
Funding: No
Founded: December, 2014


I'm Kind of a Big Deal, LLC
9710 River Trader St
Las Vegas, Nevada 89178
United States of America

Social profiles