Full story
LawTeacher.net is an academic company based in Nottingham dedicated to providing academic legal research, resources, and legal material. According to its homepage, the aim of LawTeacher.net is “to be the ultimate supplier of educational law support.” LawTeacher.net promotes “plagiarism-free, always on time, written to standard, and quality” services. According to its about page, LawTeacher.net reached its 125,000 order milestone in February 2017.
LawTeacher.net is owned and operated by All Answers Ltd. According to the footer of the website, “LawTeacher” is a trading name of All Answers Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales.
According to its about page, LawTeacher.net has “over 4,000 experts.” An in-house quality team allegedly vets writing experts. All LawTeacher.net experts supposedly have “at least a 2:1 degree” and “have displayed a consistent ability to write to a 2:1 or first-class standard.”
In response to an FAQ asking, “who are the writers? ” LawTeacher.net responded,
“The writers we work with are all fully qualified to a minimum of Undergraduate 2:1 level. Most are qualified beyond this: for instance, many hold Master’s degrees and professional qualifications.
All writers we work with undergo a strict process before being allowed to work with you. They must first complete a test piece of work, which is strictly assessed to make sure they can write to an excellent standard.
Your order will always be assigned to a writer who is fully qualified at or above the grade you have ordered. To ensure ongoing quality standards, we monitor all writers to ensure that they continue to produce the level of work that we expect.” - LawTeacher.net (last edited on February 8, 2018)
The price for orders on LawTeacher.net is based on the subject, word count, grade required, length, and delivery time.
LawTeacher.net offers various subjects apart from law from art to science.
LawTeacher.net estimates 250 words to be over half a page and 500 words to be over one page. LawTeacher.net offers up to 100,000-word projects, which are estimated to be over 250 words in length.
The grade levels affect the price differently. Grade levels include: High School Diploma (A, B, and C), International Baccalaureate A-C (Grades 5, 6, and 7), Bachelor (Grades A, B, C), Masters (PDG) (A, B, and C), and Ph.D.
Delivery ranges from 4 office hours to 31 days. The faster the delivery, the higher the cost. According to the order form, LawTeacher.net reaches out to clients as soon as the order is placed to confirm a delivery date. If the client chooses a quick delivery (5 days or less), the order must be paid as soon as possible to ensure there are no delays with us being able to start work.
LawTeacher.net advertises academic legal research, resources, and legal material. The main law service offered by LawTeacher.net include law essay writing, law assignments, law dissertations, and dissertation proposals. LawTeacher.net offers essay writing, dissertations, exams and presentations, marking, personal and professional services, and reports. Products offered by LawTeacher.net include essay writing services, coursework, assignments, essay plans and outlines, reflective practice, and research papers.
LawTeacher.net offers law resources such as law study modules, OSCOLA referencing, help guides, and a law library.
LawTeacher.net is an academic writing service dedicated to providing essay writing, dissertations, exams and presentations, marking, personal and professional services, and reports.
- Active writers 1
- Pricing High-End
Accepted payment methods
VISA, MasterCard, Bank
See what kinds of writing services this website offers.
Academic | Essays, research papers, dissertations, school homework assignments, and more |
Admissions | Essays and written works that help you get into college |
Business | Blog posts, social media content, white papers, website copy, and other business-related documents |
Technical | Manuals and other field-specific documents |
Refund policy
What happens if you are unhappy with writing services from Lawteacher.net and want your money back? We looked for a clear refund policy page and found the following.
Yes, this writing service has a refund policy.
“If the Agency agrees to refund the Customer in full or part, this refund will be made using the credit or debit card that the Customer used to make their payment initially. If no such card was used (for example, where the Customer deposited the fee directly into the Agency's bank account) the Agency will offer the Customer a choice of refund via bank transfer or credit towards a future order. All refunds are made at the discretion of the Agency.”
Other useful information
The refund policy is only visible on the terms and conditions modal dialog pop up when placing LawTeacher.net.
All Answers Ltd is a global academic writing company based in Nottingham, UK. This company was known as Academic Answers from November 2003 to March 2009.Employees
See a list of people who work at this company or have worked at this company in the past. All data are sourced from community contributors and verified through public records.
2 Websites
The total number of writing service websites that this company owns and operates is 2.